What is a Virtual Assistant?

In 2018 I decided I needed a career change.  When a friend suggested that I become a Virtual Assistant my response was ‘What’s a Virtual Assistant’?  Since I launched my business in 2019 I often get asked that same question! 

A Virtual Assistant provides administrative, technical, customer service or social media assistance from a remote office.  They are self-employed and work with a variety of clients across a multitude of industries.  In fact the services that Virtual Assistant’s offer can vary depending on their background.

How does it work? 

VA’s provide support for individuals, businesses or business owners.  As a London based Virtual Assistant I ask any potential client what would happen if their business was 10% more productive.  What about 20% or 30%?  Essentially by outsourcing time consuming tasks, that take you away from maximising your time more efficiently, hopefully you can focus on increasing sales or profits within your company.  Time is money so why spend time on tasks that don’t move your company to the next level?

What if I am concerned with sharing my account details?

Confidentiality and reliability are key to any working relationship.  Sharing company details can be a scary thought.  There are secure software options to allow a VA to access your account without having to give away your log on details.  However some clients are ok with this as there is a confidentiality clause in the contract.

What are some features of working with a Virtual Assistant?

The most common feature is low overheads.  What if your company only needed 10 hours of help a month?  You wouldn’t hire an employee for just 10 hours so this is where working with a VA is the answer.  A benefit of working with Auxilio Support is that I understand business needs can change.  My goal is to make your life easier and more productive!

If I’m interested in working with a Virtual Assistant what should I do next?

If you’re interested in finding out more contact me here for a discovery call so I can better understand your business needs.

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