15 Tasks a Virtual Assistant Can Complete In an Hour or Less

Unsure of how a Virtual Assistant can help you?  Here are just a few tasks that a Virtual Assistant can do in an hour while you’re focusing on higher priorities.

1.  Create and send an email campaign

2.  Desktop research – competitor analysis

3.  Type a 15 minute audio report and proofread it

4.  Create and send a survey

5.  Email your clients to tell them about a new product or service

6.  Write and schedule automated posts for your social media accounts

7.  Chase up on outstanding invoices

8.  Reply to customer queries or complaints

9.  Write a blog entry

10.  Research best price quotes from suppliers

11.  Prepare training manuals

12.  Event research – venues, catering, staff and/or florists

13.  Database building, entry and updates

14.  Upload pictures and content on a website

15.  Proof read content from your website, proposals and emails

If I’m interested in working with a Virtual Assistant what should I do next?

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